The Biggest Eurasian Fair in The World
Malieveld, The Hague, Netherland | May 29th - June 6th, 2014
In order to introduce an Indonesian rising product, Granulated Coconut Sugar, We will go to Europe, preciesly in the Netherland for a week.
You can find out about Granulated Coconut Sugar in, and if you are interested to find further information, you can visit our stand at the Malieveld in the centre of The Hague (Koningskade 1, 2596 AA The Hague) at a five minutes’ walk from The Hague Central Station,Netherland. It takes 30 minutes to reach The Hague from Schiphol Airport by train or car, and two hours from Brussels.
Stand will be held over there from May 29th till June 6th, 2014. Lets go to our stand and get sample of our product there. And also you can discuss with us about purchase or partnership plan. such as the production process, quantity, scientific data, methods of delivery, pricing and sales contract.
For further information or to make an appointment :
In Indonesia, coconut palm sugar known as gula merah or gula Jawa. In neighbour country, this type of sugar known as gula Melaka. Whereas, outside of Asia, its famous as palm sugar (palm suiker).
There are many traditional foods that used coconut Palm Sugar. Aside from the quantity, this sugar favored because clasified in Healthy and high nutrition sugar.
Therefore,William Wongso one of Indonesian culinary expert mentions that the Coconut Palm Sugar is "Sugar Identity of Indonesia".
Nowdays, after scientifically known as healthy sugar, Coconut Palm Sugar widely used for household and industrial modern. This sugar are used to make cakes, biscuits, coffee, candy and other health drinks.
Di Indonesia, coconut palm sugar lebih dikenal dengan nama gula merah atau gula jawa. Di negara tetangga, gula jenis ini dikenal dengan sebutan gula Malaka. Sedangkan di luar Asia, nama yang digunakan adalah gula palm (Palm Suiker).
Ada banyak ragam makanan tradisional Indonesia yang menggunakan Coconut Palm Sugar. Selain karena jumlahnya yang banyak, gula jenis ini diminati karena tergolong dalam jenis gula yang sehat serta tinggi nutrisi.
Oleh karenanya, William Wongso salah seorang pakar kuliner Indonesia dengan bangga menyebut bahwa Coconut Palm Sugar adalah "Gula Identitas Bangsa Indonesia".
Dengan berkembangnya zaman, setelah diakui secara ilmiah sebagai gula sehat, Coconut Palm Sugar banyak digunakan untuk kebutuhan rumah tangga dan industri modern. Diantaranya digunakan untuk membuat kue, bahan membuat biskuit, kopi, permen, minuman kesehatan dan lainnya.
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